Register for Instant Access to this FREE Mini Course for stressed out busy physician moms who want to lose weight for the last time
Inside this Mini Course You Will Learn:
-Day 1-
Create Weight Loss Freedom: Why the Past is Irrelevant
How Medical Training Created 4 Habits We Must Let Go Of To Lose Weight For Good
-Day 2-
Ditch the Outdated Counting Games and the Mind Drama
Why Counting Calories, Macros or Points is Ineffective for Lasting Weight Loss as Stressed Out Physician Moms
-Day 3-
Step by Step Roadmap For Lasting Weight Loss Freedom For Mama Docs
The Crucial 4 Steps that Physician Moms Must Take to End the Dieting Cycle
A note from a fellow mama doc, Archana...
As an Emergency Physician I was experiencing what I call double burnout (professional + parental burnout).
After my first shift in the ER, my second shift started the minute I walked in the door to two energetic kids ready for mom’s undivided attention.
As a female physician running a practice, working an ER shift, or caring for patients in the hospital, being a mom is a full SECOND shift on top of that.
So I coped with food (it's socially acceptable after all) … feeling like an imposter the whole time because I was counseling patients to eat healthy almost every day and wouldn’t dream of letting my kids eat the way I was.
Not only did my scrub pants no longer fit, but the worst was when my brother sent me workout DVDs for my birthday one year trying to drop a not so subtle hint.
I know I’m not the only mom who hid in the pantry to eat chocolate chip cookies because of stress, so that’s why I learned how to lose weight for the last time.
As a coach I finally learned that it’s not just about “calories in and calories out” as we learned in med school.
I lost the weight for the last time because I discovered how to stop stress and emotional eating forever. (And I want to teach you how too).
If you’re willing to invest just 45 minutes to discover what they didn’t teach us about weight loss in med school, then I promise you won’t miss that ice cream you’ve been eating after the kids go to bed.
The Mini Course starts now. I've curated this training giving you only what you truly need to know, because trust me, Mama Doc, I know you don't have time to waste.
See you there!

Questions or looking for coaching on overcoming burnout or moral injury?
Email Archana at [email protected]
or click here to learn more about Archana's Burnout Coaching program.