End overwhelm, exhaustion and burnout

without quitting your career in just 4 weeks


by gaining the KEY SKILLS we never learned anywhere in our training that get you out of it and keep you out of it.

I'm Ready to End Burnout

As a health care professional you KNOW the level of overwhelm and exhaustion you're feeling is not sustainable, yet you find yourself...



Still saying "yes" to additional hours and committee meetings


Overwhelmed by hospital and clinic requirements that your inbox and email is always full 


Spending your pajama time on charting when you want to be with your family 


Hitting the snooze button over and over again every morning and eating breakfast while you drive to work


Paying for a fancy gym membership or Peloton subscription that you're lucky to put to use even once a month


The first one up and the last one to bed because you're always putting everyone's needs above your own from family to patients 


Vegging out on the coach with chocolate, wine or Netflix after work because anything else requires more energy than you have 


Dreading Mondays and daydreaming about quitting your career or going part-time. 




That moment where I got the dreaded call from my medical director about how I was showing up at my job in the ER was my wake-up call.

There is a level of exhaustion only a healthcare professional has experienced

Imagine not being overwhelmed and spent at the end of every day.

No more falling asleep at the red light when you are driving home or when you are reading to your kids. 

No more thinking about how you hate your job and wondering how you're going to make it to retirement age in this field.

Imagine instead OVERFLOWING with energy to not just get through the day, but to be present and experience it fully.

You’re always “on.” Every waking hour. Every day even when you're home with your family. And it takes a toll.

Self-care for healthcare professionals was that ONE TIME two years ago you were able to use the restroom alone without a kid barging in, little fingers under the door, or a call from work.

Like you, I tried so many things to get out of the "double burnout" I was feeling from my work as an emergency physician and the second shift of parental duties.

I tried vacations, meditation and yoga, and cutting down my hours.

But that didn’t work because no matter how few hours I worked I still felt drained and like I had nothing left to give when I came home.

At home I was crabby and knew I wasn't showing up as the mom I wanted to be to my kids.

And at work, team members began to complain about my attitude. 

I felt like I was failing both at home and at work.  

All the while sacrificing my own health and wellbeing to the point of my scrub pants no longer fitting and seeing my cholesterol numbers and A1C creeping up. 

That’s why you have to learn to end burnout now and learn to give from the overflow instead of depleting yourself. 

As your certified life coach and sister in healthcare, I'm ready to show you how inside the Burnout Rx program by giving you the key skills we never learned anywhere along the way that get you out of burnout and keep you out of it too. 

Burnout recovery is just 4 weeks away!


I'm Ready to End Burnout

There is a level of exhaustion only a healthcare professional has experienced

Imagine not being overwhelmed and spent at the end of every day.

No more falling asleep at the red light when you are driving home or when you are reading to your kids. 

No more thinking about how you hate your job and losing sleep wondering how you're going to make it to retirement age in this field.

Imagine instead OVERFLOWING with energy to not just get through the day, but to be present and experience it fully.

You’re always “on.” Every waking hour. Every day even when you're home with your family. And it takes a toll.

Self-care for healthcare professionals was that ONE TIME two years ago you were able to use the restroom alone without a kid barging in, little fingers under the door, or a call from work.

Like you, I tried so many things to get out of the "double burnout" I was feeling from my work as an emergency physician and the second shift of parental duties.

I tried vacations, meditation and yoga, and cutting down my hours.

But that didn’t work because no matter how few hours I worked I still felt drained and like I had nothing left to give when I came home.

At home I was crabby and knew I wasn't showing up as the mom I wanted to be to my kids.

And at work, team members began to complain about my attitude. 

I felt like I was failing both at home and at work.  

All the while sacrificing my own health and wellbeing to the point of my scrub pants no longer fitting and seeing my cholesterol numbers and A1C creeping up. 

That’s why you have to learn to end burnout now and learn to give from the overflow instead of depleting yourself. 

As your certified life coach and sister in healthcare, I'm ready to show you how inside the Burnout Rx program by giving you the key skills we never learned anywhere along the way that get you out of burnout and keep you out of it too. 

Burnout recovery is just 4 weeks away!

Show me the way

There is no pill that cures burnout, but there is Thrive Rx


If you're feeling burnt out, know that you are not alone. So many of us in healthcare are feeling burnt out now more than ever.


I've been there feeling that way, and I want you to know there is a way out. 


That's why I created Thrive Rx.


It's a time-efficient 4 week coaching program for all busy healthcare professionals who want to end burnout, overwhelm and exhaustion and fall back in love with their career.


I know you're overworked and busy, so I've made sure to get you burnout relief quickly by teaching you the KEY SKILLS we never learned anywhere along the way that get you out of burnout, overwhelm and exhaustion and keep you out of it too.


This program is open to all healthcare professionals:

Doctors, Dentists, Veterinarians, NPs, PharmDs, PAs, RNs, PTs, RTs, techs, dental hygienists and more

It's time to end burnout by addressing physical, mental and emotional exhaustion using my unique...


OVERFLOW METHOD: A step by step method for burnt out healthcare professionals who want to go from overworked and overwhelmed to OVERFLOWING with energy and joy without quitting their career or going part-time. 

Built for Busy Healthcare Pros

Finally! A simple program that tackles physical, mental and emotional exhaustion quickly. You'll get all the tools you need to get out of burnout quickly so you can get back to feeling energized and loving taking care of patients. 

Perfect! Totally Doable!

On Your Own Schedule and at Your Own Pace

Get LIFETIME ACCESS to the digital program you can easily do on your own schedule, so it works perfectly with your exact life. 

Love it!

 Coaching & Support

LIVE group and private coaching sessions to give you the transformation and support you need. We will show you how to end overwhelm, exhaustion and burnout. 

Exactly what I need!

Burnout Relief 

in Just 4 Weeks

✔    4-Phase Training Course Road-Map: Get the OVERFLOW METHOD, the exact steps to go from overworked and overwhelmed to overflowing with energy and joy without quitting your career or going part-time. 

✔    Group Mindset Coaching Sessions with Archana: be coached through mindset hurdles and blocks for rapid growth

✔   Private Coaching Sessions (30 min each) to help you implement what you learn inside the program and help you say goodbye to overwhelm, exhaustion and burn out for good. 

✔  Worksheets and Templates to fast track your success and solidify your burnout recovery.  
✔  Earn up to 11 Hours of CME/CE. This program is for YOU to improve your life and falls under clinician wellness. Why not get credit for doing this work?
✔  Extra Month in the Program. This program is designed to give you relief in just 4 weeks, but I'm giving you an extra month in the program to solidify the skills you learn here. (Total of 8 weeks.)

✔   4 BONUSES - That help you uplevel your life in all areas and go from feeling like a slave to everyone else's priorities and instead becoming the CEO of your life 
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With Thrive Rx, we show you how to end physical, emotional and mental exaustion and overwhelm in just 4 weeks and give you the coaching and support you need to lock in these key skills we never learned anywhere along the way.


Our time together will include:


4 Phased Roadmap to End Stress, Overwhelm and Exhaustion and Get You Out of Burnout 

You get LIFETIME ACCESS to the entire 4 phased program because we're committed to you being able to do this on your own timeline. (Yes, you can speed up the replay of all videos and audios and listen on the go too). 


Group Coaching Calls 

Say Goodbye to Burnout with the Help of Archana's Next - Level Coaching that Helps Get to the Root of the Problem and Reprogram your Brain to Help you End Overwhelm and Exhaustion.


Private 1:1 Coaching 

Confidential coaching on your exact life, stressors and demands so you can implement what you're learning and get out of exhaustion, overwhelm and burnout for good.  These powerful 30 minute sessions can be scheduled at a time that works for you. 


Exclusive Worksheets and Templates

These worksheets will give you shortcuts to success and make your burnout recovery faster.


11 Hours of CME/CE included

Earn CME/CE for learning these key life and career changing skills. 


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Plus Bonus Shortcuts

In the true interest of getting fast results from a no-fluff program, these bonuses are crucial for the lifestyle challenges that only working healthcare professionals know.


BONUS#1 - 5 Minute End Overwhelm Method 

Quickly put an end to overwhelm and instead shift into feeling empowered and accomplished

BONUS#2 - Create a Mighty Morning Routine

a 6-minute routine that you can fit into your day at any time to refresh your soul and begin the day by filling your cup first. 

BONUS#3 - Be the CEO of Your Mighty Life

Essential tips to get shiz done and off your plate so you’re not everything to everyone all the time anymore. You’re the CEO of your life!

BONUS#4 - Reprogram Your Brain Audio 

Let go of the overwhelmed and exhausted version of yourself and step into overflowing joy and energy in all areas of your life with this powerful audio.


I Want Those Bonuses Too

“I trusted Archana because only a fellow working mom in healthcare knows the demands a mom has on her 24/7.”

- Dr. Melissa M., 

I had become so frustrated over the last few years and the program was life-changing! The area where it helped me the most was with my stress!

- Dr. Marta B.

“As a result of coaching with Archana I've learned about dynamics that were keeping me down and stealing my energies, not allowing me to focus on what I truly want.”

- Anurupa S.

"Because of her caring physician background and so many other roles such as a life coach, working mother & her own life experiences, Archana was immediately able to help me understand the root of the problems I was feeling for quite some time now and guide me to a new perspectives. There were insights I gained which I will keep for the rest of my life. I highly recommend Archana! " 

- Dr. Stella E.

I trusted Archana to be my coach because nobody knows what it's like to be a working mom unless they’ve been in that place where the demands are 24/7 and wellness becomes an afterthought.”


What fellow healthcare professionals are saying... 


"I'm less anxious and more calm and joyful at work. This program is worth every penny! It's truly the life changing thing you need to help you."-  Jacqueline M., Dental Hygeinist


"I tell all my colleagues they really need to get coached and how it can truly change their life." - Dr. Sarah P., Internal Medicine


"I felt so much better within the first two weeks of this program! I'm so glad I'm learning these skills at this point in my career!" - Dr. Kanta D., Family Medicine


I couldn't recommend this program enough! I've done tons of burnout stuff before.

But this is the first time I am walking away with 3 really simple mental reframes that feel so fundamental that I won't need to work at making these habits. Thrive Rx actually helped me with burnout AND depression! - Dr. Sarita N., Dermatology


I’m really loving the private coaching sessions! A lot of good things have come from them including helping me identify what was keeping me from going after what I  want to achieve!” - Dr. Estefania M., Geriatrician.

What You'll Learn:

Step One:

Shift Your Identity

  • Understand what is at the root of burnout for you
  • Let go of the "burnt out" identity
  • Immediately step into your power no matter the circumstance with a crucial Power Tool we never learned anywhere along the way. 
  • Reconnect with your WHY for choosing your career
  • Get crystal clear on what your ideal future looks like


Step Two:

Body: End Physical Exhaustion

  • Unlock the Overflow Method and stop doing the things that deplete you
  • Create a plan to begin Overflowing with Energy and Joy 
  • Shift out of self-sacrifice to self-stewardship
  • Schedule your life so that you don't burn out in the future

Step Three:

Heart: End Emotional Exhaustion 

  • Master all emotions including stress without turning to food, wine or Netflix
  • Open to the 50/50 of life while keeping your heart open
  • Create your own personal 'Emotional Tool Box' of tools to turn to for processing any emotion
  • Learn how to end overwhelm in under 5 minutes



Step Four:

Mind: End Mental Exhaustion 

  • Get your brain to work for you instead of against you when it comes to achieving your goals with encouraging self-talk.
  • Choose with intention your experience of any given circumstance.
  • Set boundaries and ask for what you truly want
  • Improve relationships by understanding where your control lies. 
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I'm a Firm Believer


You can get out of burnout without quitting your job or going part-time.  


You can reconnect with the joy of your chosen healthcare profession. 


You can feel energized, empowered and in control of your life again both personally and professionally. 


You can take care of your family and patients without sacrificing your own health and wellbeing.


You can go from overworked and overwhelmed to OVERFLOWING with Energy and Joy.  


Your Thrive Rx starts here. 


I'll give you the key skills you need to overcome burnout in just 4 weeks and will give you a POWER TOOL that not only ends burnout but also improves all other areas of your life too. 

Ready to say goodbye to overwhelm, exhaustion and burnout in 4 weeks or less?

Spots are limited! So grab yours right away.

Thrive Rx - Pay in Full


Save $100 paying in full

  • 4-Phase Thrive Rx Training Road-Map
  • 2 Group Coaching Sessions
  • 2 Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions 
  • Worksheets and Templates
  • 4 Bonus Trainings 
  • 11 Hours of CME/CE (Category 1 AMA PRA) included
  • ***Select Afterpay at checkout for Payment Plans as low as $166/month  
I'm Ready For Energy & Joy

VIP Best Year Ever - Thrive Rx with 12 Months of Coaching & CME Included


Get a 12 months of coaching with this package AND 66 Hours of CME/CE included

  • 4-Phase Thrive Rx Training Road-Map
  • 12 months in the Thrive Rx membership for the price of 11.
  • Group Coaching Sessions for 12 months
  • 2 Private 1:1 Coaching Sessions every month for 12 months (Get coached on ANY topic or goal - personal or professional)
  • Worksheets and Templates
  • 4 Bonus Trainings
  • INCLUDED - Up to 66 Hours of CME/CE (Category 1 AMA PRA) earned over 12 months 
  • BONUS: Monthly Special Topics Workshops with Archana on improving your relationships, parenting, time management, productivity, money mindset and so much more 
  • Value of this package: Over $10,000

***Select Afterpay at checkout for Payment Plans as low as $250/month  

This is My Year

My Burnout Relief Guarantee


Most healthcare professionals notice burnout relief within 2 weeks of starting the program. And I'm so confident my program can help you that I guarantee it.

If you don't feel less overwhelm, exhaustion or burnout after 8 weeks in the program, I'll give you an additional month of group coaching for FREE* so that I can personally help you feel relief. (valued at $500).

*This program is effective when you actively participate. To claim this guarantee, you must watch the weekly modules, complete the worksheets, and attend at least 4 coaching calls.

More Life and Career Changing Transformations from Working with Archana


I'm Ready to Thrive


Maybe you're wondering...

Let's Do This!