Mama Docs School

HelpingĀ Women in Healthcare Go From Overworked & Overwhelmed to Overflowing with Energy and Joy

FREE End Burnout Masterclass
Permission Granted to Use Your Medical Degree as You Choose

I was coaching a woman physician the other day who is wanting to make a transition in her medical career. One of the exercises that I had her do was a “No List” of things she...

The Five Types of Freedom to Strive for as a Woman Doctor

When you think of the word “freedom” what comes to mind? 

The ability to speak your truth? 

The freedom to make choices about your life? 

Being accepted as you are and...

Three Crucial Steps for Getting Out of Burnout

I remember my professional rock bottom burnout moment like it was yesterday. 

It was a bright sunny day and I was sitting at the desk in my home office. That’s when I got the dreaded...

The Hidden Cost of Doing Nothing About Burnout

I remember when I first thought about enrolling in a life coaching program. As a physician, my first thought was that perhaps it was a sign of weakness. Here I was an attending physician, who had...

Why I Like My Commute as a Woman Doctor

When you work in an emergency department and arrive at work, you never know what you will be walking into. I have had days where I walk in the department, set my bag down, put on my white coat,...

Why as a Woman Doctor I Always Wear my White Coat

I never enter the Emergency Department to work a shift without first putting on my white coat, hospital badge, stethoscope and glasses. (The glasses I feel make me look more scholarly and bookish...

Why We Overwork and How to Stop

Spring Break is here! It's time to let your hair down, put your feet up and relax a little. As lovely as it sounds, it is not so easy for all of us. 

I was coaching a fellow healthcare...

Why Every Doctor Needs a Coach

I was coaching a Mama Doc recently and when we hopped on Zoom I asked her, “What would you like coaching on today?”

Her response: “What don’t I need coaching...

Women Doctors, Keep Your Heart Open

“Relax your shoulders and relax your heart. Let go and give room for the pain to pass through you. It’s just energy. See it as energy and let it go.” - Michael Singer, author...

Metric Shaming in Medicine and 3 Steps to Overcome It

Looking back at my career as an emergency physician, I remember how my first year out of residency was a roller coaster ride with many ups and downs practicing as an emergency physician in a...

What it Was Like Taking the Physician Burnout Survey

Have you ever taken the Physician Burnout Survey? 

Because I work with residents, the residency program has sent me the physician burnout survey a few times for me to fill out. (I guess...

Owning Your Feminine Authenticity as a Woman in Medicine

I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on my outfits lately. The reason is that I recently Marie Kondo’d my closet and got rid of all the things in my closet that I didn’t use or...