Mama Docs School

Helping Women in Healthcare Go From Overworked & Overwhelmed to Overflowing with Energy and Joy

FREE End Burnout Masterclass
The Bad Eating Habit I Learned in Residency And How it Kept Me Stuck for Years

Stress eating is a learned behavior and is one of four bad habits I picked up when I became an emergency physician that made it hard for me to lose weight and keep it off. 

Whenever the ER...

How Fasting Can Backfire and Cause ‘Revenge Eating’

Ever heard the one about intermittent fasting being the weight loss godsend for busy professionals?

'Skip some meals and melt the fat' is the mantra. If only weight loss was as simple as a catchy...

The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Kids

They say that there are three things that change a person forever. One is going to war as a soldier. The second is becoming a doctor, and the third is becoming a parent. 

While I’m not a...

The Big Reason Personal Trainers Can't Help You Lose Weight

I remember when I got a personal trainer back in residency. I had just gotten married and had gained a bit of weight in the honeymoon phase of marriage and wanted to get back in shape.

So I did...

Sneaky Ways Confirmation Bias Can Impact Your Personal Life

As a new mother, working in the emergency department made me want to go home and childproof every nook and cranny of our house. On a daily basis at work I would care for children, most often...

Two Key Mindset Shifts for Lasting Weight Loss

In France they have this great saying: “Don’t dig your grave with your fork and knife.”

When I heard it, it rang so true. As doctors we see this daily, people eating in a way...

How to Get Off the Dieting Roller Coaster as a Woman Doctor

Before I became a certified weight and life coach, I used to do a different type of health and fitness coaching where I would give my clients workout and nutrition plans to follow. 
